How to Get a Work Permit
HPHS students:
A Work Permit Request Form can be downloaded here. See “Related Links” for more information about child labor laws. The first step is fill out a Work Permit Request AFTER you have been hired by your employer. After Office Staff receives the Work Permit Request Form from you, you will be given or emailed the Work Permit you will give your employer. Please follow the steps below:
- Fill out the Work Permit Request Form (click on link).
- Neatly fill out all personal information and have parent sign on signature line.
- Have employer fill out company information, work/job duties, and sign form.
- After all of the information has been completed:
a. Students can scan and email to the Attendance Technician at: .
b. If a student is not able to scan and email, a hard copy can be taken to the school office between the hours of 8:30am-2:30pm.
c. Please allow 24 hours to process your official Work Permit. Your Work Permit will be emailed or ready for pick-up. Sign and give to your employer.
d. All students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and attendance of 98% or student’s work permit will be revoked.